This work illustrates a mechanism to enhance the security properties of Deno. Deno is a runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript that is receiving great interest by developers, and is increasingly used for the construction of back-ends of web applications. A primary goal of Deno is to provide a secure and isolated environment for the execution of JavaScript programs. It also supports the execution of subprocesses, unfortunately without providing security guarantees. The proposal exposed in this paper consists in a set of modifications to Deno enabling the creation of fine-grained sandboxes for the execution of subprocesses. The design of Cage4Deno satisfies the compatibility, transparency, flexibility, usability, security, and performance needs of a modern sandbox. The realization of these requirements partially stems from the use of Landlock and eBPF, two robust and efficient security technologies. Significant attention has been paid to the design of a flexible and compact policy model consisting of RWX permissions, which can be automatically created, and deny rules to declare exceptions. The sandbox effectiveness is demonstrated by successfully blocking a number of exploits for recent CVEs, while runtime experiments prove its efficiency.


Marco Abbadini, Michele Beretta, Dario Facchinetti, Gianluca Oldani, Matthew Rossi, Stefano Paraboschi

The Paper has been presented at: AsiaCCS 2023